If your child doesn’t know what DNA is yet then they are in for a treat. It easily wins the title of the most amazing molecule in the Universe.
Unlock the secrets of DNA and you find the blueprint for life on Earth.
We don’t yet know if DNA is a universal encoder for life. Perhaps when we discover life on another planet we will find an equally, if not more, amazing molecule and a whole new kind of biology.
It will be a very exciting time for astrobiology when that happens.
But until then, DNA is our only guide for how living things work. And it is a fascinating one. So fascinating I spent 13 years studying it (and its molecular friends: proteins and RNAs), as an academic researcher.
Kids are fascinated by how things work. They are little scientists discovering the world. To help you give them a window on our best understanding of how life works I am creating a special ‘DNA for kids’ series of blog posts.
The ‘DNA for kids’ series
This series will take your child on a learning adventure into the molecular world of DNA. We’ll go deep into what makes DNA so amazing and build their knowledge and excitement for the topic with engaging hands-on activities.
Watch your child’s eyes light up as they grasp new and exciting concepts about life.
Share their joy at discovering the surprises of the molecular world and how they can impact a whole planet.
Let’s get started!
All the posts
The first post in the series introduces your child to key concepts and some of the reasons DNA is so amazing. It includes engaging videos and talking points and is the foundation for future posts and the activities that will follow in parts 2 and 3.
In part 2 your child will consolidate their knowledge of the structure of DNA and how it encodes information with a hands-on fun activity building DNA with pipe cleaners.
In part 3 your child will get to play with real DNA: let them hold the blueprint of an apple tree in their hands and feel how squishy it is between their fingers!
Future posts
The third post is another hands-on activity with real DNA and will be coming soon!
Other topics we will cover include:
- How did DNA originate?
- What conditions are needed for DNA to work?
- How are its instructions carried out by the cell?
- Is DNA a universal molecule or are there different ways of encoding life?
- What genes are shared by all life?
- Can DNA survive in space?
- What is the RNA world?
- How does DNA mutate?
- How can a molecule affect a planet?
Do you or your child have any questions about DNA?
Let me know in the comments below!
Related astrobiology posts
- Read why kids will one day learn astrobiology before their ABCs
- Count the stars with grains of sand to give your child a grasp of large numbers and an idea of how many planets there are in the Universe, some of which might contain life
- Read some nature-inspired poems with your child to cultivate an appreciation for our home planet and the life it supports
- Learn about more of the molecules that make life in the Universe possible
- Use playdough to explore where atoms come from
DNA-themed activity pack
To supplement my ‘DNA for kids’ series, I’ve created a printable activity pack with DNA-themed puzzles, worksheets, quiz and colouring pages. Sign up for the Pale Blue Marbles email newsletter for free access to these and any future activity packs that I create for curious kids (you can unsubscribe at any time).
Get your free printable activity pack – subscribe to the Pale Blue Marbles email list:
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